
The global tobacco epidemic and the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control—the contributions of the WHO’s first convention to global health law and governance

By Suzanne Zhou and Jonathan Liberman 
In Research Handbook on Global Health Law
Edward Elgar Publishing
November 2018
Book chapter

A global public health victory for tobacco plain-packaging laws in Australia

By Suzanne Zhou and Melanie Wakefield
JAMA Internal Medicine
November 2018
Journal article

Community knowledge of law at the end of life: availability and accessibility of web-based resources

By Ben White, Lindy Willmott, Cheryl Tilse, Jill Wilson, Deborah Lawson, Angela Pearce, Jeffrey Dunn, Joanne F Aitken, Rachel Feeney, Stephanie Jowett
Australian Health Review
June 2018
Journal article

Using webinars for the education of health professionals and people affected by cancer: Processes and evaluation

By Megan Chiswell, Annika Smissen, Anna Ugalde, Deborah Lawson, Rachel Whiffen, Sonia Brockington and Anna Boltong
Journal of Cancer Education
June 2018
Journal article

Building a law and NCDs workforce: A necessity for global cancer and NCD prevention and control

By Jonathan Liberman
Journal of Cancer Policy
March 2017
Journal article

Tobacco plain packaging, the World Trade Organization, and the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

By Jonathan Liberman and Suzanne Zhou
In Pathways to Global Health: Case Studies in Global Health Diplomacy
World Scientific

February 2017
Book chapter

Making the law work better for people affected by cancer

By Deborah Lawson, Sondra Davoren and River Cordes-Holland
McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer

Tracking the relevance of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in legislation and litigation through the online resource, tobacco control laws

By Monique E Muggli, Annie Zheng, Jonathan Liberman, Nicholas Coxon, Liz Candler, Kaitlin Donley, Patricia Lambert
BMJ Tobacco Control
August 2014
Journal article

Regulating tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy foods: The legal issues

Edited by Tania Voon, Andrew D Mitchell and Jonathan Liberman

July 2014

Plainly constitutional: The upholding of plain tobacco packaging by the High Court of Australia

By Jonathan Liberman
American Journal of Law & Medicine
June 2013
Journal article

Promotion of access to essential medicines for non-communicable diseases: practical implications of the UN political declaration

By Prof Hans V Hogerzeil, Jonathan Liberman, Veronika J Wirtz, Sandeep P Kishore, Sakthi Selvaraj, Rachel Kiddell-Monroe, Faith N Mwangi-Powell, Tido von Schoen-Angerer, on behalf of The Lancet NCD Action Group
The Lancet
February 2013
Journal article

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