By Suzanne Zhou and Jonathan Liberman In Research Handbook on Global Health LawEdward Elgar PublishingNovember 2018Book chapter
By Suzanne Zhou and Melanie WakefieldJAMA Internal MedicineNovember 2018Journal article
By Anita GeorgeQUT Law ReviewNovember 2018Journal article
By Ben White, Lindy Willmott, Cheryl Tilse, Jill Wilson, Deborah Lawson, Angela Pearce, Jeffrey Dunn, Joanne F Aitken, Rachel Feeney, Stephanie JowettAustralian Health ReviewJune 2018Journal article
By Megan Chiswell, Annika Smissen, Anna Ugalde, Deborah Lawson, Rachel Whiffen, Sonia Brockington and Anna BoltongJournal of Cancer EducationJune 2018Journal article
By Anita George Health Economics, Policy and LawMay 2018Journal article
By Jonathan LibermanJournal of Cancer PolicyMarch 2017Journal article
By Jonathan Liberman and Suzanne ZhouIn Pathways to Global Health: Case Studies in Global Health DiplomacyWorld ScientificFebruary 2017Book chapter
McCabe Centre for Law & CancerAugust 2016Paper
McCabe Centre for Law & CancerJune 2016Paper
By Deborah Lawson, Sondra Davoren and River Cordes-Holland McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer2015Report
By Monique E Muggli, Annie Zheng, Jonathan Liberman, Nicholas Coxon, Liz Candler, Kaitlin Donley, Patricia LambertBMJ Tobacco ControlAugust 2014Journal article
Edited by Tania Voon, Andrew D Mitchell and Jonathan LibermanRoutledgeJuly 2014Book
By Jonathan LibermanAmerican Journal of Law & MedicineJune 2013Journal article
By Prof Hans V Hogerzeil, Jonathan Liberman, Veronika J Wirtz, Sandeep P Kishore, Sakthi Selvaraj, Rachel Kiddell-Monroe, Faith N Mwangi-Powell, Tido von Schoen-Angerer, on behalf of The Lancet NCD Action GroupThe LancetFebruary 2013Journal article
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